The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: What No One Tells You About Debt

April 12, 2018 | ECONOMICS & INVESTING

Sources and Disclosures:

Copyright © 2018 Beaumont Capital Management (BCM). All rights reserved.

1 Dr. David Kelly, PH.D., CFA. Insights and Economic Update on the Markets. March 2, 2018.

2-3 United States National Debt Clock. Federal Reserve. Real time, accessed 3/2018. 

4 The College Board. Average Estimated Undergraduate Budgets, 2017-18.

5 The Best Master’s Degrees, FinAid. How much does a master’s degree cost? 

6 Association of American Medical Colleges. Tuition and Student Fees Report, 2012-2013 through 2017-2018. October 2017. 

7 Medscape. Medscape Pediatrician Compensation Report 2017. April 12, 2017.

8 Time. New College Grads Could Be Looking at the Highest Starting Salaries Ever. May 2017.

This material is provided for informational purposes only.

The views and opinions expressed throughout this presentation are those of our Portfolio Manager as of April 2018. The opinions and outlooks may change over time with changing market conditions or other relevant variables.


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